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Controversial ‘Russian law’ passes first reading in Georgia

Opponents say the foreign agent bill would obstruct Georgia’s long-sought prospects of joining the European Union.

Georgia’s parliament has voted in the first reading to approve a highly controversial foreign agent law, amid mass street protests. 
The legislation would require media and non-commercial organizations to register as being under foreign influence if they receive more than 20% of their funding from abroad.
Thousands gathered outside parliament in Georgia’s capital Tbilisi to protest for the third night on Wednesday. 
Opponents say the proposal would obstruct Georgia’s long-sought prospects of joining the European Union. They denounce the bill as “the Russian law” because Russia has used similar legislation to suppress independent news media and organisations opposed to the Kremlin. 
“If it is adopted, it will bring Georgia in line with Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus and those countries where human rights are trampled. It will destroy Georgia’s European path,” said Giorgi Rukhadze, founder of the Georgian Strategic Analysis Center.
In an online statement Wednesday, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell described the parliament’s move as “a very concerning development”. 
He warned that “the final adoption of this legislation would negatively impact Georgia’s progress on its EU path.”
“This law is not in line with EU core norms and values,” Borrell added.
Although Georgian President Salome Zourabichvili said she would veto the law if it is passed by parliament in the third reading, the ruling party can override the veto by collecting 76 votes. 
The bill is nearly identical to a proposal the governing party was pressured to withdraw last year following large street protests. 
Police in Tbilisi used tear gas to break up a large demonstration outside the parliament on Tuesday.
Wednesday saw an even larger rally. 
Opposition parliament member Aleksandre Ellisashvili denounced lawmakers who voted for the bill as “traitors” and said the rest of Georgia will show them that “people are power and not the traitor government.”
